Valarie Waboose

Valarie Waboose, "A Non-Anthropocentric Indigenous Research Methodology: The Anishinabe Waterdrum, Residential Schools, and Settler Colonialism" (in Vincent Chapaux, Frederic Megret, Usha Natarajan eds, The Routledge Handbook of International Law and Anth

Valarie Waboose, "A Non-Anthropocentric Indigenous Research Methodology: The Anishinabe Waterdrum, Residential Schools, and Settler Colonialism" (in Vincent Chapaux, Frederic Megret, Usha Natarajan eds, The Routledge Handbook of International Law and Anthropocentrism, (Abingdon, Oxon:  Routledge, 2023). 

Available at the law library.

Talk to address impact of residential school system

Head shot of Val Waboose

Law professor Valarie Waboose, an Anishinabe Kwe and director of the Indigenous Legal Orders Institute, will address the devastating and long-lasting impact of the residential school system on the survivors in a free public presentation entitled “Studies of the Indigenous Residential School System and Stresses of the Compensation Process for Survivors” on Thursday, Dec. 8.

Book examines legal decolonization

Decolonizing Law book cover

Law professors have published the first edition of a book centred around the decolonization of law from three unique perspectives. Published by Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), the book – Decolonizing Law: Indigenous, Third World and Settler Perspectives – studies the theory and practice of decolonizing law.