Biennial Elections

The Organization of Part-Time University Students will hold its biennial elections to elect the OPUS Board of Directors in March 2023. Nominations will be open for the OPUS Board of Director positions as advertised below.

This is your chance to be involved in your student union and advocate for part-time and mature students.

The OPUS Board of Directors is made up of elected volunteer part-time students at the University of Windsor. Any part-time student as defined by the University shall be eligible to run for the OPUS Board of Directors, provided they are not currently holding official office in another student government at the University of Windsor. Board members meet once a month throughout the year and are also required to attend monthly Associate meetings during the Fall and Winter semesters.


If you're interested to be part of the OPUS Board of Directors, complete the application forms below.

OPUS Board Nomination Form

OPUS Board Nominee Form (Acceptance of Nomination):

OPUS Board Application Form: