The Office of Prevention, Resistance, and Support presents Prevent. Resist. Support.

Welcome to the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Resistance, and Support!

The Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Resistance, and Support is a centralized resource for all matters pertaining to sexual violence at the University of Windsor.

Our goal is to support members of our community who have been harmed by sexual violence and to engage our community as active participants in sexual violence prevention. If you don’t find what you need here, visit our Contact page!

How Can We Help?

Student talking to staff member

If you need support

We are here to offer confidential and trauma-informed support to any member of our campus community who has experienced sexual or gender-based violence, regardless of when it happened or how you label it. 

Student looking down at laptop

If you would like to report

We would be happy to meet with you and provide you with the information that you need to make the decision that is best for you. You can speak with us confidentially without any obligation to file a report. 

 Bystander Facilitators at Toldo Lancer Centre

If you would like to get involved

We know that an informed, educated community is central to preventing sexual violence and caring for survivors. If you’re not sure where to start, please look into our Bystander education. 

Student videoconferencing with professor

If you need information or guidance

 We have information specifically for faculty and staff who are seeking guidance and make our reports easily accessible online. We encourage you to explore our educational opportunities and connect with other services on and off-campus. 

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Listen to the Prevent Resist Support Podcast