Who Teaches Our Workshops?
All of our workshops are lead by students for students.
Becoming a Bringing in the Bystander™ facilitator is a leadership opportunity second to none in Canada. No other university offers course credit to students for leading a workshop on campus.
All Bringing in the Bystander™ facilitators are mentored by Dr. Frances Cachon through the Practicum in Social Change course where students learn essential professional skills such as:
- Giving and receiving constructive feedback
- Working as part of a co-facilitation team
- Problem solving in unpredictable situations
- Public speaking
- Build capacity in equity, diversity, and inclusion pricinples
- How to support survivors, and
- How to listen to disclosures of sexual violence
Regardless of what faculty you are in, you are sure to shine as one of our workshop facilitators!
How Do I Become a Workshop Facilitator?
If you are interested in facilitating our workshops please enroll in Practical Strategies for Social Change, followed by Practicum in Social Change. Students are trained as workshop facilitators as part of the experiential learning in our practicum course.
The Bystander Initiative is recruiting law student workshop facilitators!
If you are a student in the faculty of law and are interested in becoming a workshop facilitator, please reach out to Dr. Frankie Cachon (she/her) at bystander@uwindsor.ca for more information.
What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Workshop Facilitator?

- Gain safe intervention skills (that can be used to interrupt a wide range of harmful behaviour and potentially unsafe or unethical situations)
- Participate in a campus-wide initiative focused on addressing and preventing sexual violence and supporting survivors of sexual violence
- Gain teamwork, leadership experience, and learn how to be adaptable
- Develop active and empathetic listening skills
- Gain knowledge about facilitating professional referrals and on-campus/community resources and services
- Refine their communication and presentation skills and learn how to successfully facilitate conversations on challenging topics
- Gain strategies for creating respectful and inclusive learning environments
- Gain a trauma-informed, survivor centered, and intersectional understanding of sexual violence
- This practicum experience can help boost students' resumes, provide many highly transferable skills and enhance graduate school applications
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our student leaders of how to become a student leader, please contact Danielle (She/Her):
519-253-3000 ext. 2061
If you have questions about becoming a student leader in the Faculty of Law, please email Frankie (She/Her):