blackberry network operations

BlackBerry Bootcamp

On Monday May 11, 2020, the University of Windsor and BlackBerry unveiled BlackBerry Bootcamp to the campus community.

We have partnered to develop and deliver a cybersecurity curriculum for the University’s Graduate Master’s Program in Applied Computing (MAC).  The curriculum, called BlackBerry Bootcamp, will be taught as a required MAC course and will contribute a portion of the students final grade.

The curriculum will be a 10-week program that will start on May 19. BlackBerry Bootcamp will cover a range of cybersecurity topics including digital identity protection and privacy, software engineering, the latest techniques of cybercriminals, advanced threat detection technologies, and more.  It will be delivered as a remote learning program to ensure students can continue their education during the COVID-19 health crisis.  

Internal registration and further details will be made available to eligible students via Blackboard.  Visit our press release for more information.