Smiling people with text Employee Mental Health Strategy

Employee Mental Health Strategy

As an employer, the University of Windsor understands that workplaces play a key role in promoting and protecting the mental health of employees. The workplace can and should be a source of positivity as it provides individuals with a purpose, financial security, a sense of identity, and social connections, but the workplace also has the potential to be a source of stress that negatively impacts mental health and well-being.

The Employee Mental Health Strategy for the University of Windsor provides a roadmap to promote mental health and well-being, minimize workplace risks to mental health, support employees throughout the mental health continuum, and build a psychologically healthy and safe workplace culture.

This page will serve as a hub for Employee Mental Health Strategy resources and updates from the Implementation Working Group, so be sure to check back regularly. 

Need Help Now? Access Crisis & Emergency Resources


Kate Hargreaves (she/her), M.Ed, MA, BA[H]Kate Hargreaves
Employee Mental Health Coordinator
Office of the Vice-President, People, Equity, & Inclusion
Asssumption Hall Room 302 | 519.253.3000 ex. 2627 

Please note that email should not be used to make crisis or emergency contact.
For mental health emergencies, contact 911
or Special Constable Service at 519-253-3000 ext. 4444
(for more details, visit the Emergency page)