Smiling students with text Student-Self-Identification Survey

Student Self-Identification Survey

a diverse group of smiling students with text complete the Student SElf-identification survey now on Uwinsite Your Representation Matters!

Complete the Survey

What is the Student Self-Identification Survey?

The University of Windsor Student Self-Identification Survey (SSIS) is a confidential and voluntary online survey that all UWindsor students (graduate and undergraduate) can access through UWinsite Student.

The survey allows students to self-identify their Indigenous kinship, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, and more.

The survey data will enable the University to better understand the student population on campus in efforts to address inequities and provide an inclusive, safe, and supportive learning environment.

The Student Self-Identification Survey has been developed through an evolving process and has been updated for re-launch in Fall 2022. The survey was developed in consultation with student, faculty, and staff representatives from UWindsor and updated based on feedback from the campus community. While every effort has been made to use the most inclusive and up-to-date language, we acknowledge that language practices are always changing and welcome any feedback at

The survey is completely voluntary, although all students are encouraged to participate. Your participation will help the University better understand the student population in order to enact practices and policies that are inclusive of all students.

The results of the survey may contribute to enhancing:

• Financial aid, awards, and scholarships
• Student life, experience, and engagement
• Program development and evaluation
• A culture of inclusion, belonging, and anti-oppressive practices
• Addressing racism, including anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism
• Embedding Indigenous knowledge across departments
• Research, innovation, and scholarship
• Community engagement and outreach

There is no deadline to complete the survey, and the survey will remain active on your UWinsite student account. Students only need to fill the survey out once but can change their answers as needed. If you filled out the survey before the re-launch in Fall 2023, you are encouraged to check that your answers are up-to-date given the new questions.

The survey will likely only take a few minutes to complete, and students may skip any question on the survey.

Any researchers wishing to use the Student Self-Identification Survey data will need to apply and be cleared by the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board (REB) using a secondary use of data application. For more information, please visit the Research Ethics Board website or contact

As an internal survey, the Student Self-Identification Survey itself is exempt from REB review (TCPS2 2.5).

The survey is available in alternative formats as required (such as electronic copy, paper copy, or large-print version). To access an alternative format, please contact
