Graduate Program Forms

General Forms

M.Ed. Program Forms

Please submit all of the following forms to the Education Graduate Program Office on Floor 3 in the Faculty of Education building or email a scanned copy to

Student Forms 

Major Paper & Thesis Related Forms

Supervising a GA

  • Description of Duties and Allocation of Hours - To be completed annually for every GA that a faculty member supervises. Needs to be reviewed in the middle of the course. If there are no changes, record the date of meeting and note no changes. 

Ph.D. Program Forms

Student Forms are available on the Joint Ph.D. program website: Ph.D. Program forms.

Doctoral dissertation external examiner and timeline tracker | Faculty of Graduate Studies

Please submit all of the following forms to the Education Graduate Program Office on Floor 3 in the Faculty of Education building or email a scanned copy to

Additional Forms

Note: The Specialized Elective (EDUC-9510) - An Add/drop form is required in order to register in this course.

Faculty Forms


Unable to find the form that you are looking for? Please visit the Student Forms page on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website or contact our office by emailing