students walking around windsor

ELIP Partners

The ELIP Commitment to You:

  • Informative
  • Supportive
  • Responsive
  • Elevate Communication

Partner with ELIP

The English Language Improvement Program pathway welcomes opportunities to collaborate with other language programs as a bridge to undergrad and graduate study at UWindsor.

ILSC Language Schools logo. Circle with graphical sun rising above simplified waves.

ILSC Students can gain admission to the University of Windsor through ELIP

If you are an ILCS student and are interested in apply to the University of Windsor, ELIP is the first step in your journey. ILSC students who have completed a minimum of level 13 can bridge to ELIP 2 at UWindsor! 

Chart that demonstrates bridges between ILSC Levels to ELIP Levels. ILSC Level 13 bridges to ELIP 2 and ILSC Level 14 bridges to ELIP 3. Successful completion of ELIP 3 meets undergrad and graduate requirements.