Visiting Research Students

Visiting Research Students

Over the past few years an increasing number of graduate students from other institutions have been invited by Windsor faculty to engage in research here for one or two semesters. The University supports a limited number of such placements. In order to facilitate these appointments and to cover the University from a liability standpoint, faculty wishing to invite a “visiting research student” to work with them in their laboratory should be aware of the following:

  1. The visitor will be officially known as a “Visiting Research Student”.
  2. Only graduate students who do not have a terminal degree will be considered under this classification.
  3. The “Visiting Research Student” must be affiliated with a recognized institution.
  4. The University will recognize each student as a “Visiting Research Student”, and will issue an ID card.
  5. "Visiting Research Students” will pay no tuition, but will have access to normal student facilities such as the library, e-mail accounts and so on.
  6. “Visiting Research Students” must provide evidence of having purchased either private OHIP equivalent medical insurance or the University of Windsor Greenshield Canada OHIP equivalent insurance prior to beginning their research. (Faculty who invite the students here may consider paying for their health coverage through a research grant).
  7. Under no circumstances can a student take courses for credit while registered as a “Visiting Research Student” at the University of Windsor. In order to do so, the student will have to apply to become a regular student and pay the appropriate ancillary and tuition fees. N.B.: International “Visiting Research Students” may also face immigration issues if they change status.
  8. “Visiting Research Students” will abide by the terms of their entry visa. It will be their responsibility to obtain the necessary immigration documentation. 9. No student may remain at the University of Windsor as a “Visiting Research Student” for more than one year.

Faculty members who wish to encourage graduate students to engage in research at the University of Windsor under the title of “Visiting Research Student” should adhere to the following:

  1. Initial discussions will be conducted between the faculty member and the student.
  2. A recommendation will be forwarded by the Faculty member to the appropriate Department Head and Faculty Dean, who will both approve the recommendation.
  3. This recommendation, along with the student’s Curriculum Vitae will be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for final approval.
  4. If the student is accepted a letter will be sent to the student by the Faculty of Graduate Studies with a copy to the Dean, the Department Head, the appropriate faculty member, Human Resources, Registrar’s, Student Health Services, International Student Centre and the UWin office.

Please keep in mind that these “Visiting Research Students” do not possess terminal degrees. Scholars who possess a terminal degree and wish to visit the University of Windsor will be considered under the title of a “Visiting Scholar” and must be processed through the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic.

Visiting Student Form