Research Update

Dr. Clayton Smith and Dr. George Zhou received a Research Stimulus Fund Grant through the University of Windsor Faculty of Education for 2021-22.

Our research work includes:

  • Hired a graduate student (Atiya Razi) to serve as a research assistant. (April 2021)
  • We developed a related literature review (July 2021).
  • Three additional team members (Shuzhen Zhao, Teresa Holden, and Sumeet Kaur) were added to the research team (July 2021)
  • A research ethics application was submitted (January 2022).
  • The research ethics application received clearance (February 2022).
  • Research participants were interviewed (March-August 2022).
  • A conference paper, An Investigation of the Potential Microaggression International Students Experience on a Canadian University Campus, was presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education conference (May 2022).
  • We are finalizing our remaining interviews (August-September 2022).
  • Final interviews completed (October 2022).
  • Transcripts entered into NVIVO software with support from the Academic Data Centre (December 2022).
  • Research submitted for publication in the Journal of Critical Race, Indigeneity, and Decolonization (January 2024).