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People, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy

Welcome to the University's inaugural People, Equity & Inclusion Strategy (PE&I) website. 

The PE&I Strategy is aligned with UWindsor’s Aspire strategic plan. It serves as a blueprint to foster a more equitable, inclusive, and healthy environment in which to work, innovate, and learn. 
People, Equity and Inclusion Strategy Cover Page
The development of the PE&I Strategy relied on data gathered by the University over the last several years through various processes and consultations, including the:
Charles C. Smith Report (Please note, to view this document you will need to log in with your UWin ID.) 
Employee Engagement Survey (2022) (including key actions and outcomes emerging from the work of the Engagement Action Group)
We would like to acknowledge the guidance, insights and contributions of the Consultative Working Group, the members of the People, Equity, and Inclusion Division, the EDID Senate Sub-committee, senior leaders and everyone else who provided feedback at various stages of this strategy’s development. 
The journey to achieve our vision, to be a place where every member of the campus community feels welcomed, included, valued, and can thrive, requires all of us to work together. By listening to diverse perspectives, amplifying marginalized voices, and intentionally embedding equity, diversity, and inclusion into all aspects of the University, we can achieve authentic and meaningful transformation.
We invite you to join us in co-creating a more inclusive, equitable, and people-centred organization.