The following forms can be used to make changes to your OSAP application. Please download, complete and submit to the Student Awards & Financial Aid Office. Forms must reach the Student Awards Office within 8 weeks from the end of the study period. Additional documentation and requests for changes may not result in additional funding if the requests are received after this period. OSAP funding will not be issued to students if it is within 21 days from the end of the study period. The Student Awards & Financial Aid Office requires approximately 2 - 4 weeks to process changes.
Status Change Forms
Residency Review Forms
- History of Canadian Residency for Student - 23/24 (.pdf)
- History of Canadian Residency for Student and Parents - 23/24 (.pdf)
- History of Canadian Residency for Student and Spouse - 23/24 (.pdf)
- History of Canadian Residency for Student - 24/25 (.pdf)
- History of Canadian Residency for Student and Parents - 24/25 (.pdf)
- History of Canadian Residency for Student and Spouse - 24/25 (.pdf)
Course Load & Income Update Forms
- Course Load Update - Fall/Winter (.pdf)
- Course Load/Income Update - Summer
- Income Update Form - 24/25 Fall/Winter (.pdf)
- MSW WP Fall/Winter Income Update Form (.pdf)
- MSW WP Winter only Income Update Form (.pdf)
- Clarification of Work & Study Terms for Co-op Students (.pdf)
Studying at Another Institution (Collaborative or Letter of Permission)
- Students Studying in a Collaborative or Concurrent Program (.pdf)
- Studies at Another Institution Form (.pdf)
Other Forms
- Academic Edits Form (.pdf)
- Acknowledgement of Academic Probation - 23/24 (.pdf)
- Acknowledgement of Academic Probation - 24/25 (.pdf)
- Disability Verification Form 23/24 (.pdf)
- Disability Verification Form 24/25 (.pdf)
- Confirmation of Permanent Disability for a Child of a Student (.pdf)
- Student Budget Form (.pdf)
- Proof of Parental Foreign Income Form - 23/24 (.pdf)
- Proof of Spousal Foreign Income Form - 23/24 (.pdf)
- Proof of Student Foreign Income Form - 23/24 (.pdf)
- Proof of Parental Foreign Income Form - 24/25 (.pdf)
- Proof of Spousal Foreign Income Form - 24/25 (.pdf)
- Proof of Student Foreign Income Form - 24/25 (.pdf)
- OSAP Change of Information Form
Request for OSAP Access Number or Temporary Password
Three methods can be used to obtain the OAN or password information:
- Log In: Access the "Forgot OAN" or "Forgot Password" pages and follow instructions.
- In person: Bring proof of identity to any financial aid office at a public Ontario college or university to retrieve your OAN immediately.
- By mail: Fill out a Request for OAN form, which you can print from the OSAP public website. Once your request has been processed, you will be mailed a letter containing your OAN.
Continuation of Interest-Free Status Form - MCU Form
Tuition Fee Deferral and OSAP Form - See Student Awards & Financial Aid
Student Accounts must be paid in full prior to registration of a new academic term. This form is only available in the Student Awards & Financial Aid Office.